1. Just have a dream and you'll get it someday . (from Facebook)
2. Dunia boleh ketawa ngliat gue sedih, tapi jangan harap lu bisa ketawa pas gue sedih . (From Facebook Status - Tues 15 Sept 09 - 19.00)
3. Be careful of your mouth, it can be a boomerang for yourself . (From Facebook Status - Thurs 17 Sept 09 - 11.23)
4. "Don't judge a book by it's cover" , and don't judge a person by it's face . (From Facebook Status - Thurs 17 Sept 09 - 13.30)
World can laugh when I'm sad, but hey you, don't try to be laugh when I'm sad . (From Twitter Updates - Thurs 17 Sept 09 - 13.57)
6. Don't think that you're the best. Remember, there's cloud above the sky . (From Facebook Status Thurs 17 Sept 09 - 18.33)
If you cant wait for tomorrow; it means that you cant wait for the next day after tomorrow, too. (From Facebook Status - Sun 20 Sept 09 - 17.37)
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